69 research outputs found


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    The formation of investigative abilities in the student of the dentistry career constitutes a necessity, reason why they demand of theoretical and practical tools that allow him to solve the diverse professional problems. The article aims to argue some theoretical references that support the formation of investigative abilities and their interrelation ship with professionals in students, from the teaching-learning process of the Morphophysiology discipline, in the dentistry career. A qualitative study was carried out. Among the theoretical methods, the analytical-synthetic and inductive-deductive were used, and from the empirical level, the analysis of documents and use of resources available on the internet. The systematization in the contributions of the different authors allowed arguing as essential theoretical positions the following: the dialectical-materialist principle of the educability of man in society; the Historical-Cultural school created by Vygotsky and his followers; the formation of abilities from the systematization of actions within a contextualized activity. On the other hand, Castro's pedagogical ideology in relation to health is assumed, when conceiving the training of a dentistry professional as an active researcher, from a teaching-learning-developer process. The teaching-learning process of the Morphophysiology discipline based on psychopedagogical and didactic arguments, can guide towards the formation of investigative abilities in dentistry students towards the solution of professional problems.La formación de habilidades investigativas en el estudiante de la carrera de Estomatología constituye una necesidad, por lo que se demandan de herramientas teóricas y prácticas que le permitan solucionar los diversos problemas profesionales. El artículo tiene como objetivo argumentar algunos referentes teóricos que sustentan la formación de habilidades investigativas y su interrelación con las profesionales en los estudiantes, desde el proceso de enseñanza-aprendizaje de la disciplina Morfofisiología, en la carrera Estomatología. Se realizó un estudio cualitativo. Entre los métodos teóricos, se utilizaron el analítico-sintético y el inductivo-deductivo, y del nivel empírico, el análisis de documentos y uso de recursos disponibles en internet. La sistematización en los aportes de los diferentes autores permitió argumentar como posicionamientos teóricos esenciales los siguientes: el principio dialéctico-materialista de la educabilidad del hombre en la sociedad; la escuela Histórico-Cultural creada por Vigotski y sus seguidores; la formación de habilidades a partir de la sistematización de las acciones dentro de una actividad contextualizada. Por otra parte se asume el ideario pedagógico de Castro en relación con la salud, al concebir la formación de un profesional de la Estomatología como un activo investigador, desde un proceso enseñanza-aprendizaje desarrollador. El proceso enseñanza-aprendizaje de la disciplina Morfofisiología basado en argumentos psicopedagógicos y didácticos, puede orientar hacia la formación de habilidades investigativas en interrelación con las profesionales en los estudiantes de Estomatología hacia la solución de problemas profesionales

    Estudiantes Universitarios: prosumidores de recursos digitales y mediáticos en la era de internet

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    RESUMEN: A pesar de la relevancia que los recursos digitales y mediáticos han adquirido en nuestra sociedad, la adquisición de competencias para su uso adecuado y responsable en el contexto educativo no está garantizada. Este trabajo busca analizar los hábitos de producción y utilización de los recursos digitales y mediáticos de una muestra de 252 universitarios españoles, con el objetivo de conocer su competencia digital y su aprovechamiento para un uso educativo. Los resultados revelan una competencia media/alta de los universitarios en cuanto al manejo de los recursos mediáticos y digitales, así como una percepción positiva de la red como fuente valiosa de la que adquirir conocimiento y ampliar información. Admiten utilizar los recursos digitales y mediáticos para trabajar de forma colaborativa y ayudarse en tareas académicas, aunque no producen contenido académico o información en plataformas educativas; es decir, se consideran consumidores mediáticos, pero no productores. Se observó además que los universitarios mayores de 25 años son prosumidores más activos, en lo que se refiera a contenidos e información relacionada con temas académicos, que los estudiantes menores de 26 años, quienes utilizan más las redes para producir y compartir datos personales.ABSTRACT: Despite the importance that digital and media resources have reached in our society, the acquisition of competencies for their suitable and responsible use in the educational context is not guaranteed. This study seeks to analyze the habits of production and use of digital and media resources of a sample of 252 Spanish university students, aiming to know their digital competence for an educational purpose. The results reveal a medium/high competence of the university students regarding the management of digital and media resources, as well as a positive perception of the network as a valuable source from which to acquire knowledge and expand information. They admit using digital and media resources to work collaboratively and help each other in academic tasks, although they do not produce academic content or information on educational platforms; that is, they considered themselves media consumers, but not producers. It was also observed that university students over the age of 25 are more active prosumers in terms of academic content and/or information? than students under 26, who use the networks more to produce and share personal data.Este trabajo se ha elaborado en el marco de Alfamed (Red Interuniversitaria Euroamericana de Investigación en Competencias Mediáticas para la Ciudadanía), y del proyecto “Competencia mediática en la sociedad digital para la participación crítica de la ciudadanía. Diagnóstico y planes de acción didácticos” financiado por la Universidad de Cantabria. También ha recibido apoyo del programa de Investigación e Innovación Horizon 2020 de la Unión Europea, bajo el acuerdo Horizon 2020- Seac-2015-1-710577

    Utilidad del Cálculo del Índice tobillo-brazo en pacientes no diabéticos con factores de riesgo cardiovascular en la identificación de pacientes de alto riesgo; Concordancia con tablas de riesgo cardiovascular (REGICOR y SCORE)

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    L'objectiu de l'estudi va ser la determinació de la prevalença de malaltia arterial perifèrica mitjançant el càlcul de l'Índex turmell-braç (ITB) en pacients sense malaltia vascular associada, no diabètics, amb 2 o més factors de risc cardiovascular (RCV); Determinant la seva concordança amb les taules de RCV de REGICOR i SCORE i veure quina d'elles classifica millor a aquests pacients. Es va seleccionar una mostra aleatòria de pacients entre 50 i 65 anys. El resultat de l'estudi demostra que la prevalença és baixa i no s'estableix concordança entre les taules de RCV de REGICOR i SCORE i el càlcul del ITB.El objetivo del estudio fue la determinación de la prevalencia de enfermedad arterial periférica mediante el cálculo del Índice tobillo-brazo (ITB) en pacientes sin enfermedad vascular asociada, no diabéticos, con 2 o más factores de riesgo cardiovascular (RCV); Determinando su concordancia con las tablas de RCV de REGICOR y SCORE y ver cual de ellas clasifica mejor a estos pacientes. Se seleccionó una muestra aleatoria de pacientes entre 50 y 65 años. El resultado del estudio demuestra que la prevalencia es baja y no se establece concordancia entre las tablas de RCV de REGICOR y SCORE y el cálculo del ITB

    Social media and smartphones as teaching resources: Spanish teacher's perceptions

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    RESUMEN: Los nuevos entornos de aprendizaje y las redes sociales han supuesto un paso adelante con su uso en el aula llegando, incluso, a mostrarse como un importante refuerzo para la educación durante una situación de excepcionalidad provocada por la pandemia mundial del COVID-19. Las acciones y percepciones de los docentes al respecto han sido fundamentales para una respuesta rápida en un confinamiento global en el que las tecnologías móviles han jugado un papel fundamental. Este estudio presenta una investigación descriptiva correlacional con dos objetivos principales: en primer lugar, conocer la accesibilidad y el uso autodirigido de las redes sociales y, en segundo lugar, describir la utilidad percibida en SMD (dispositivos móviles inteligentes) y SNS (sitios de redes sociales) para los profesores. Con un enfoque metodológico cuantitativo y cualitativo se analizaron las correlaciones entre variables establecidas en una muestra de 2.048 profesores españoles. Los resultados destacan, en primer lugar, la ausencia de diferencias en cuanto a edad y género, demostrando así su máxima penetración entre los docentes; en segundo lugar, mostrando la relación entre la frecuencia de uso y la percepción positiva hacia la pertinencia en la actividad pedagógica. Las conclusiones abordadas desde el enfoque cualitativo muestran cuestiones interesantes que apuntan a la falta de conocimiento, sentido de responsabilidad y riesgos asociados cuando los docentes expresan sus percepciones sobre el uso de SMD y SNS en una integración pedagógica.ABSTRACT: New learning environments and social media have taken a step forward with their use in the classroom, even becoming an important reinforcement for education during the unprecedented situation caused by the global COVID-19 pandemic. Teacher’s actions and perceptions in this regard have been essential for a quick response in a global lockdown, in which mobile technologies played an essential role. This study presents a descriptive and correlational study with two main objectives: firstly, to discover the accessibility and self-directed use of social networks, and secondly, to describe the perceived utility of SMD (smart mobile devices) and SNS (social network sites) for Spanish teachers. With a quantitative and qualitative methodological approach, correlations between established variables were analysed in a sample of 2,048 Spanish teachers. The results, firstly, highlight the absence of differences in terms of age and gender, thus demonstrating their maximum penetration among teachers; and secondly, demonstrate the relationship between frequency of use and positive perception towards relevance in pedagogical activity. The conclusions, addressed from the qualitative approach, show interesting issues pointing to a lack of knowledge, sense of responsibility, and risks associated, when teachers express their perceptions regarding the use of SMD and SNS in pedagogical integration

    Proposal of an own curriculum for the Dentistry career basic cycle in Las Tunas

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    Background: the own curriculum allows to develop skills of sectoral strategic interest related to the professional functions of the future graduate. Objective: to prepare a proposal of an own curriculum for the basic cycle of the Dentistry career, in the Faculty of Medical Sciences "Dr. Zoilo Enrique Marinello Vidaurreta" from the University of Medical Sciences of Las Tunas, during the period 2020-2022. Methods: a qualitative research was carried out in the department of Dentistry, faculty and time period previously declared. To prepare the proposal we analyzed curriculum E, the professional model, 47/2022 resolution and scientific articles related to the subject. The programs of the courses were endorsed in workshops of critical opinion and collective construction. A pedagogical experiment was applied to assess the relevance of the proposal. Results: three own courses programs related to professional functions were developed: the first one entitled "Introduction to the functions of the dentist", to be implemented in the first year, second semester; the second, "Research skills applied to the functions of the dentist", for second year, first semester; and finally, "General fundamentals of pedagogy and didactics applicable to the teaching-educational function of the dentist", also for second year and second semester. Each course had a total of 40 hours. The topics are shown with the distribution of hours in the different forms of teaching organization. Conclusions: a proposal of an own curriculum was prepared for the basic cycle of the Dentist career in Las Tunas

    Development of SARS-CoV-2 specific IgG and IgA antibodies in serum and milk with different SARS-COV-2 vaccines in lactating women

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    Background: Our main objective was to determine the evolution of IgG and IgA antibodies directed against SARS-CoV-2 protein S in the blood of lactating women and in breast milk. Methods: A cohort of 110 uninfected and vaccinated breastfeeding women was followed-up for 6 months at the Marqués de Valdecilla University Hospital, Spain, in 2020. An additional group of 23 breastfeeding mothers who had no previously documented infection and had not been vaccinated against SARS-CoV-2 were included as a control group. The antibodies in blood and breast milk and their evolution at 6 months post-vaccination were analysed. Results: One hundred ten breastfeeding mothers were included; 70 women (63.6%) were vaccinated with two doses of BNT162b2, 20 women (18.2%) received two doses of mRNA-1273, and 20 women (18.2%) received a single dose of ChAdOx1-S. No evidence of differences between concentrations of antibodies was found according to the type of vaccine, with the exception of serum IgA antibodies, which was higher in women vaccinated with mRNA-1273: mean [95%CI]: 0.05 AU/mL [0.03,0.06] with mRNA-1273, 0.02 AU/mL [0.01,0.03] with BNT162b2 and 0.01 AU/mL [0.00,0.03] with ChAdOx1-S, ANOVA p value = 0.03. The lack of difference between vaccines was also found when anti-S1 specific IgG in serum and breast milk were measured. Conclusions: In lactating women vaccinated against COVID-19, anti-SARS-CoV-2 antibodies can be detected in both serum and breastmilk 6 months after receiving the second dose, although their concentrations decreased when compared with concentrations reached immediately after vaccination.Project Nextval 2021/23 is funded by Fundación Instituto de Investigación Marqués de Valdecill

    A GIS-supported Multidisciplinary Database for the Management of UNESCO Global Geoparks: the Courel Mountains Geopark (Spain)

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    [Abstract] The management of a UNESCO Global Geopark (UGGp) requires a vast wealth of miscellaneous scientific knowledge that can be successfully organised using a Geographical Information System (GIS). This paper presents a pragmatic GIS database to assist in the suitable governance of the Courel Mountains UGGp (2017) in Northwest Spain. The database is structured in 66 coverages compiled from public sources and previous works or produced through traditional mapping (combining fieldwork and photointerpretation) and GIS tools. The acquired data was later homogenised and validated by a multidisciplinary team and archived in independent coverages. Forty thematic maps illustrate the broad range of cartographic information included in the GIS database. Among them, 25 basic maps provide an overview of the UGGp and 15 new maps focus on crosscutting and technical issues. All maps illustrate the huge potential of GIS to create new resources combining coverages and adapting the legend according to their purpose and audience. The database facilitates the suitable publishing of consistent outputs (e.g., brochures, books, panels, webpages, web serves), as well as the elaboration of technical data to assist the park management. The database furnishes information on the design of education actions, touristic routes, activities and Geopark facilities. The GIS database is also a supportive tool for scientific research and provides the necessary knowledge to conduct geoconservation actions based on land use, geological hazards and the occurrence of natural and cultural heritages. Altogether, the GIS database constitutes a powerful instrument for policy-making, facilitating the identification and evaluation of alternative strategy plans.This work was developed in the framework of the Scientific Program of the Courel Mountains UGGp with the cooperation of tourism agents (A.M. Arza and A. López), roofing slate quarries (Pizarras de Villarbacú, Pizarras de Quiroga) and local people (M. Reinosa, G. Díaz, O. Álvarez). We are deeply grateful to J.R. Martínez Catalán (Universidad de Salamanca), A. Pérez-Alberti and J. Guitián (both from Universidade de Santiago de Compostela), J.R. Gutiérrez-Marco (ICOG, Universidad Complutense de Madrid/CSIC), J. Vegas (IGME-CSIC), L. González-Menéndez (IGME-CSIC), J.M. García Queijeiro (Universidade de Vigo), L. Santos and A. Grandal-D’Anglade (both from Universidade da Coruña) for their assistance supplying information involved in the database. We thank also E. de Boer for proofreading the article. DB is grant holder of Plan Andaluz de Investigación, Desarrollo e Innovación 2021, funded by Junta de Andalucí

    Physical Agents

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    This chapter reviews different approaches for the development of new models, architectures and real applications of physical agents. The chapter starts by identifying this kind of agents and their main requirements. After that, it presents one approach to allow deliberation while the world changes, and some specific applications that have been implemented by different participants of the AgentCities.ES network: a multi-agent system architecture to control a single robot, a submarine robot, and a container terminal management system for the port of Valencia

    Risk model for prostate cancer using environmental and genetic factors in the spanish multi-case-control (MCC) study

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    Prostate cancer (PCa) is the second most common cancer among men worldwide. Its etiology remains largely unknown compared to other common cancers. We have developed a risk stratification model combining environmental factors with family history and genetic susceptibility. 818 PCa cases and 1,006 healthy controls were compared. Subjects were interviewed on major lifestyle factors and family history. Fifty-six PCa susceptibility SNPs were genotyped. Risk models based on logistic regression were developed to combine environmental factors, family history and a genetic risk score. In the whole model, compared with subjects with low risk (reference category, decile 1), those carrying an intermediate risk (decile 5) had a 265% increase in PCa risk (OR = 3.65, 95% CI 2.26 to 5.91). The genetic risk score had an area under the ROC curve (AUROC) of 0.66 (95% CI 0.63 to 0.68). When adding the environmental score and family history to the genetic risk score, the AUROC increased by 0.05, reaching 0.71 (95% CI 0.69 to 0.74). Genetic susceptibility has a stronger risk value of the prediction that modifiable risk factors. While the added value of each SNP is small, the combination of 56 SNPs adds to the predictive ability of the risk model

    Study and suppression of the microstructural anisotropy generated during the consolidation of a carbonyl iron powder by field-assisted hot pressing

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    Published OnlineA spherical carbonyl iron powder was consolidated by the field-assisted hot pressing technique using graphite tools at two different temperatures, both above the austenitizing temperature. The microstructures obtained exhibited a compositional gradient in carbon along the consolidated material. Thus, the outer rim of the cylindrical samples was composed of cementite and pearlite that gradually turned to pearlite, leading to a fully ferritic microstructure at the core of the sample. The increase in the temperature has led to a higher introduction of carbon within the sample. The interposition of a thin tungsten foil between the graphite die/punches and the powders has significantly reduced the diffusion of the carbon through the iron matrix and has suppressed the microstructural anisotropy.Publicad